Opening track “Singularity” on Arcomusical‘s Emigre and Exile album on New Focus Recordings-Panoramic imprint (March 2022).
Debut solo percussion album Within the Within on Albany Records (October 2021).
“Real-time Chances Operations: A Technologically Modern Approach to John Cage’s 27’10.554″ for a Percussionist.” Percussive Notes Online Research Edition 1 (2016): 24-31.
“Amidst the Noise: Stuart Saunders Smith’s Percussion Music.” Percussive Notes 52.4 (2014): 6–15.
Interview. Artist Research & Development Grant Spotlight: Jeremy Muller, by Katie Selph. Arizona Commission on the Arts, 2014.
Dissertation: The Confluence of Folkloric Maraca Performance and Contemporary Artistry: Assessing the Past, Present, and Inspiring the Future, 2012 (appendix is removed because of copyrighted material)